On site at Daneby Studio - Week 5

Refreshing morning mist on site

Refreshing morning mist on site

It is hotter, even hotter, and only seems to be heating up further. This Chinese hoax is remarkably convincing and must have required a huge amount of work. That being said, I spent a very pleasurable day on Friday on the roof in the relentless drizzle that I am most comfortable with. It felt like home as I cleaned my glasses every three - four minutes.

The roof is being insulated, though not very quickly as more still needs to be done before it can be completely covered. Most of the joisting has been completed and now it is just the final few boards preventing total insulation.

Final boarding prior to insulation

Final boarding prior to insulation

Hot weather for installing PIR insulation to the roof

Hot weather for installing PIR insulation to the roof

This week also saw the birthday gig of Step 3 owner and head chef, Charlie Rivers. As a youngster I witnessed his band (named to avoid confusion, “The Charlie Rivers Band”) perform at various venues and for this special occasion, they performed an acoustic set at the Grey Lady in Tunbridge Wells. As most of us from Daneby Studio were present at the event, work was a little slow in the morning, but ‘nothing cures a hangover like manual work’ I was told by someone who was proving his own rule wrong as he recited it. We looked with terror at the weather forecast for the next week, which was predicted to be one of the hottest ever recorded in England.